Think Makeup Is Bad for Your Skin? Here Is Professionals Answer

Makeup is one of those double-edged swords we sometimes have to grapple with. On the one hand, it's fun and feminine. A flick of eyeliner and swipe of blush can instill us with a quick boost of confidence. But there's a downside to makeup.

We can't help but fear: are we clogging our pores with every pat of powder? Or, as evidenced by Alicia Keys' infamous rejection of makeup this year, are we somehow hiding behind our cosmetics?

The holidays, more than just a time for gluttony and gayety, offer us all a chance to reboot and evaluate our makeup routine. But is it really better to ditch the cosmetics altogether?

Here's some advice and candid answers from skin professionals about those pestering makeup questions we all wonder about.

Is makeup really all that bad for us?

The answer, of course, depends on your skin type (i.e., whether you have sensitivities, allergies, or skin conditions), but board-certified dermatologist Fayne L. Frey of Dermatology & Dermatological Surgery in New York says, "There are no studies that show makeup application has any downside for most women."

Ariel Enriquez, Skin Trainer at Massage Retreat & Spa in Minneapolis told Verily, "It isn't bad to wear makeup every day, but that all depends on the ingredients in the products, as well as how diligent you are in removing the makeup." Enriquez advises clients to avoid anything with mineral oil, lanolin, and D&C colorants.

Joel Schlessinger, Nebraska-based, board-certified dermatologist and RealSelf contributor, echoes Enriquez. He says, "As long as you choose high-quality makeup that is designed for your skin type, there is nothing wrong with applying makeup every day."

In fact it could even improve your skin's health. He recommends using a mineral makeup because it stays on the skin's surface (aka doesn't clog pores) and creates a natural barrier against environmental factors.

Still, there has to be a benefit to not wearing makeup for a bit (like over the holidays), right?

According to Dr. Frey, "You will hear all kinds of benefits form 'self-proclaimed' beauty experts saying the skin can't breathe without makeup. Fact is: Skin doesn't breathe. Your lungs do that!"

Enriquez says a little break certainly won't do any harm. Without any barrier, your skin stands to "shed dead skin cells faster," which isn't a bad thing. She says if you're wearing makeup that's appropriate for your skin, however, it shouldn't be much of an issue.

Dr. Schlessinger suggests taking a little break if you've been having any issues with breakouts or irritation. "The break will give you a chance to determine what gave your skin the adverse reaction."

Once the holidays end and our makeup routine resumes, what should we do differently?

Enriquez advises clients to "always double-cleanse your skin when wearing makeup." She adds, "Never sleep in makeup as it doesn't allow your skin to properly shed. Old skin cells, makeup, and environmental pollutants will accumulate on your pillow (Ew!)."

Therefore, if you love makeup, keep in mind two points:

1. Choose cosmetics from regular channels;

2. Remove makeup, carefully remove makeup, and thoroughly remove makeup. So even if you put on makeup every day, your skin will still look good.


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